Do you ever feel overwhelmed with work or like you’re nonstop going and going? Maybe you’ve got a huge meeting coming up with your boss, but also have the kids’ dance recitals and soccer practices to attend. Whatever the case, everyone needs a little self care every once and a while.
When it comes to self care, there are five main areas to focus on: mental, physical, emotional, practical and social. Mental focuses on caring for your mind, whether that be learning something new, or continuing to stimulate your mind. Physical is anything that will care for your body, such as taking your dog for a walk or going on a camping trip. This is important to stay active and in tune with your body’s needs.
Next is emotional self care, which involves taking care and recognizing your feelings. Practical care is basic life maintenance and can be as simple as taking your car in for a check up, or decluttering your home. And lastly there is the social category, where you are caring for your relationships, whether it be family dinners or game night with friends.
Finding the time for self care can be hard, even impossible sometimes, but doing these little acts of service for yourself are rewarding both mentally and physically.
Self Care Ideas to
Improve Your Life
Have a spa day.
Take time to care for your body with a spa day! Whether it’s a relaxing massage, a mani-pedi, or even just an extra long shower, give your body the boost it needs.

Star gaze outside.
Lie on your back, relax and enjoy the stars in the sky. Feel free to bring a companion, or enjoy this time by yourself.
Fix something at home that’s been bothering you.
Maybe it’s that knob that keeps falling off, or a wobbly desk. It’s been driving you crazy whenever you encounter it, so it’s time to fix it. You’ll feel relieved knowing there’s one less item on your to-do list!

Go see a funny movie.
It’s always important to laugh, so take an hour or two out of your day and see a funny movie. Don’t want to head to the theaters? Rent or watch one of your favorite DVDs.
Participate in a 5K for charity.
Participate in a 5k for the charity of your choice. You will love giving to something you care about, and get a great workout in.

Go on a hike in a beautiful place.
Whether you live in the mountains, beach or desert, going on a hike can be beneficial for both your mind and body. Find a local National Park or hiking trail and enjoy the outdoors.

Attend a yoga class.
Whether you’ve been to yoga before, or whether it’s your first time, yoga creates a positive energy within oneself. Spend an hour of your week trying out yoga, and relax your mind and body.

Take a nap.
You’ve been working long hours and it can feel like you don’t have the time for sleep. Make it priority to get some zz’s in and take a nap, even just for 30 minutes.
Read a book.
A great way to take a break is by reading a good book. Try a mystery thriller that you can’t put down, or a book by an inspirational speaker to get you pumped for success.

Volunteer at a local shelter or hospital.
Help people who might be going through a rough time by volunteering at a local shelter or hospital. They’ll appreciate the extra set of hands, and it’s always a great idea to give back.
Buy yourself a nice dinner.
Treat yourself! No need for an occasion; take yourself out for your favorite meal and savor every bite.

Binge watch your favorite show.
On your next day off or after a long day, curl up with a blanket and indulge in a show of your choice. If you finish an entire season in a day, we won’t judge you.
Treat yourself to a gift.
Self gifting is a great way to give yourself a pat on the back, and praise all the hard work you do. Invest in new jewelry or consider a comfy robe to lounge around during your relaxation time.

Learn something new.
In order to keep our mind active, we need to continue to learn new things. Try this self care activity by attending free classes at a local college or going online to learn a new topic.

Journal your thoughts.
Grab a notebook and start jotting down thoughts. According to the American Psychological Association, expressive writing can reduce intrusive ideas and thoughts about negative events, and helps to improve memory.

Declutter your home.
Nothing is more frustrating than coming home to a mess. Spend a half day or full day decluttering your home, or a room that needs extra attention.
Send a card.
Show someone just how much you love them and send a card. It’s an old fashioned, thoughtful way to say you miss them and keep your connection strong!

Unplug for half a day.
Step away from the technology and spend some time electronic-free. Try a half day, and if you’re feeling confident, make it a day.
Perform routine car maintenance.
Take your car to the shop for a routine oil change/checkup. You will drive assured that your car is the safest it can be.

Do a random act of kindness.
Hold the door open for a few people, offer to help a struggling pedestrian, or take old clothing to a charity for donation.

Take a trip.
A change of scenery can be just what you need to rejuvinate. Plan a weekend getaway. You deserve it!
Resist self-criticism.
Resist saying any negative words in your day-to-day conversations. This helps to eliminate self-criticism, and encourages you to see things in a more positive light.
Dance it out.
If you’re stressed out or feeling down, dancing it out can be a perfect way to lighten your mood. Jam to your favorite song with friends or rock out solo.

Cook a delicious meal.
Using fresh ingredients you seldom splurge on, cook a healthy and delicious meal.

Drink more water.
According to the Journal of Nutrition, drinking water can improve mood. It’s always important to stay hydrated!
Decorate your home.
If you’re into interior design, spend time on a DIY project or buy a new furnishing for your home. Wall art is a great way to add personality to your space.
Help someone in need.
Volunteer at the homeless shelter, or donate to organizations who contribute to those less fortunate.
Meditate in your home.
While some people attend yoga and other forms of meditation, you can do it simply at home. Set up a mat and a blanket, and clear your mind.
Take deep breaths.
According to Harvard Health, deep breathing helps reduce stress, which can surpress the immune system and cause sicknesses. Try taking three deep breaths, making sure your stomach inflates, not your shoulders.

Sing your heart out.
Whether you’re driving in your car or taking a shower, bust out your favorite lyrics. It is a great way to express yourself and have fun in an otherwise routine activity.

Get at least fifteen minutes of the sun.
In order to get your daily dose of Vitamin D, spend some time outside. Even if it’s just for a few minutes on the porch, your body will thank you for it.

Start a savings jar.
Grab an old mason jar, and label it "savings fund." Every time you have pocket change, throw that into the jar and see how much you have after a year of saving.
Meal prep at the start of the week.
Rather than stress out about meals throughout the week, take a few hours on Sunday to meal prep. This could be as simple as lunches, or as extensive as planning out dinners for every night.

See a stand-up comedy show.
Ready to laugh? Attend a comedy show! Laughing increases health-enhancing hormones and increases blood flow to the heart according to Psychology Today.
Take a work from home day.
You have been working so hard, so it’s time to take a work from home day. Stay in your pajamas and work from "bed" and enjoy the freedom of a day at home.
Get a manicure or pedicure.
Treat yourself to a mani-pedi! It help you relax and de-stress. Don’t forget to choose a fun color or design!
Schedule "me time" into your planner.
Physically adding "me time" to your planner is a great way to make sure it happens. Try to do at least once a week if you can as a reminder to stop and relax.

Learn how to sew.
Sewing is a great skill to learn, and is applicable to many circumstances. That sweater you can never wear with a hole can now be an easy fix!

Go for a bike ride.
Take the time to get outside and be active. Go for a bike ride and explore new places you haven’t been yet.

Share a smile with someone on the street.
Sharing a smile with a stranger may seem strange, but can be a kind gesture to someone who could be having a rough day. If they reciprocate the smile, you’ll have an improved mood as well.

Attend an art show.
Attend an art show of any kind, with family members or friends. It will be a great way to admire someone else’s art and potentially get inspiration for future projects.
Adopt or donate to your local animal shelter.
Adopting a pet can be a great investment both financially and emotionally. If it’s not the time to adopt, consider donating or volunteering to help furry friends find a home.

Download a money managing app.
Budget your spending and saving by downloading a trustworthy money app. You can then set up budgets based on your income and savings goals.

Send a care package to a loved one.
Let a loved one know you’re thinking about them with a care package. Add their favorite sweets and goodies, and send with a personalized note.
Be a kid again.
Get ice cream from an ice cream truck, or jump on a swing to relive the good ol’ times.
Feng shui your home.
Maybe your couch has been bugging you in the corner or you really don’t think that chair belongs. Study up on feng shui and rearrange your home.
Get an annual checkup.
It’s important to go see your doctor at least once a year for a routine checkup. Make this a New Year’s activity to make sure your health is a priority in the coming year.

Bake something delicious.
Use your favorite cookbook or browse the web to find a delicious homemade baking recipe. Then turn on your oven and get baking!

Watch the sunset.
No matter where you are in the world, the sunset can always be a simple, beautiful way to start your evening. Enjoy from the comfort of your home or in nature with friends.
Get up and watch the sunrise.
Make it a mission to wake up early enough to see the sunrise. You’ll see a beautiful morning sky and get a head start to your day.
Splurge a little.
When it comes to self care, treating yourself should be something you do more often than not. Consider investing in a big purchase, or buy a few small exciting items that bring you joy.
Tell your pet your deep dark secrets.
Your pet can be your favorite companion and best friend all in one. They also are the greatest listeners! Share your secrets with your pup and give them treats as a reward.
Read your old yearbooks.
Reflect on the great and awkward times of high school by reading your old yearbooks. This is also a great chance to reconnect with childhood friends!
Learn another language.
You’ve been dying to learn French, but haven’t had the time. Instead of rushing into a language, take it one step at a time by downloading an app or getting a book with the basic phrases.
Write a review for a business you enjoy.
Writing a review can be a win-win for both you and the business. Write a few detailed sentences with specifics so other customers can benefit as well.
Learn to surf.
Learn to surf or if you already know how, go out on the ocean when the waves are good. It’s a relaxing, rejuvenating way to spend a morning or afternoon.
Listen to an old album that you love.
Maybe it was a hit album back when you were a teen or young adult. Whatever the genre, blast the album in your room and dance as much as you’d like.
Do a DIY project.
Craft a handmade card or create a yummy cake for an upcoming birthday. The recipient will love the thought and effort you put in.
Research your town’s history and visit a local monument.
Learn more about your town’s history and background, and visit a local monument. It will allow you to see new parts of your town that you never would have known before!
Plant something.
Plant something in the backyard, or take home an indoor plant to display. Adding a plant to your space can even benefit your health!
Go camping.
For a long weekend, go on a camping trip. It’s a great way to be in nature, and appreciate the beautiful outdoors.
Try a face mask.
DIY or purchase a face mask, and let sit for about twenty minutes. Relax and let your face become more refreshed with an easy spa treatment.
Write down positive affirmations.
Find positive affirmations online and write down the ones that speak to you. Try to repeat one to yourself every day.
Visit a botanical garden or spend time mending your garden.
Take in some oxygen and fresh air and visit a garden. Attend a Japanese tea garden for unique plants!

Teach yourself a computer program.
Teach yourself a program that could be beneficial for professional or personal reasons. A photo editing program or an interactive online course is perfect for a free night or weekend.
Try a new kind of cuisine.
Go out of your comfort zone and order food that you aren’t used to eating!
Take your dog for a walk.
Take your pup out for a stroll to get fresh air and give them the exercise they need.
Attend the next City Hall meeting.
To get involved in your community, attend the next City Hall meeting. That way, you’ll be in the know for upcoming events and happenings around town.
Get that haircut you’ve wanted.
You have wanted to go super short or take a few inches off, now’s your time! A new look can make you feel like a new you.
Listen to an audiobook.
Have a book you want to read, but struggle to find the time? Try an audiobook. With most people spending a good amount of their day in the car, playing an audiobook is incredibly beneficial.
Plan a mini getaway.
Take a day or weekend trip. Enjoy the change of scenery and explore a new place.
Change your profile picture.
Let’s face it: it’s been a long time since you’ve changed your profile picture. Change it up to a recent fresh photo that you feel confident with.
Take the stairs.
Whether you are on your way up to work or in a shopping center, avoid the elevator for a day. You’ll feel better physically and get some excercise in.
Make a small change to your diet this week.
Drink more water and consider vegetables in more of your meals. You’ll notice a difference in how you feel!
Pay it forward.
When you’re at a coffee shop or restaraunt, tell the employee that you will pay for the next person’s items as well. You’ll make their day and in return have good karma!
Read your horoscope for the rest of the year.
Read your horoscope on love, career and friendships. While it’s just for fun, it can also help you prepare for what could be to come.
Have a self date.
Create a date for you and only you. Light candles, create an amazing meal and enjoy!
Take time out of your busy schedule to give yourself a pat on the back. Whether that’s reading a great book or buying yourself something nice, it’s important to treat yourself to a special gift every now and then!